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To all amd graphics card, driver experts on here, i am hoping someone can help me. WINDOWS 10 16GB RAM I've tried drivers from 12.1 and up. and it still won't work kinda hoping someone has a fix for it. #UPDATE 1 I got a possible fix for AMD cards:-Open AMD Catalyst Control Center-Go to gaming/3D Application settings-Under Applications hit add and add the NeptuniaRebirth1.exe to it AMD Radeon Pro Enterprise Graphics Driver 21.Q1.1 for Windows 10 64-bit. ASUS RT-AC68U AsusWrt-Merlin Firmware 386.2 Beta 2. AMD Radeon Adrenalin Edition Graphics Driver 21.3.2 for Windows 10 64-bit. NVIDIA GeForce Notebook Graphics Driver 465.89 for Windows 7 64-bit.
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用于解决 在本指南中,我们将向您展示如何在windows 10中手动更新Intel,AMD和Nvidia驱动程序。 在Windows 10中,可以通过Windows Update更新驱动程序,但始终 在具有Intel网络硬件(蓝牙和Wi-Fi)的PC上,Windows 10现在提供了两 在升级到Windows 10 之后,若有任何未安装的驱动程序,请运行Windows Update 安装合适的 蓝牙驱动. 日期:2018/08/17 日期:2018/08/17. 版本: 供应商:AMD. 大小:217.9 MB. 点击下载 在Windows 10中使用设备管理器卸载,禁用,回滚和更新设备驱动程序.
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